fishing kid's home page
welcome to my website.Its you quessed it about fishing or a few other things Hartwell lake in Georgia provides excellent fishing for largemouth bass.With the water tempature rising fish is moving to deeper water so a good idea is to throw a good top water plug that diplaces some good action which will help that ole bass to strike.another yet better idea is to fish of a night throwing a dark color rubber worm close to boat docks.Some good colors of worms that I use is zoom tomatoe seed and zoom red shad these seem to be working good at night right now if fished on a texas rig.fishing kid

fishing joke Two morons go fishing. They catch a lot of fish and return to the shore. 1st moron: I hope you remember the spot where we caught all those fish. 2nd moron: Yes, I made an 'X' on the side of the boat to mark the spot. 1st moron: You idiot! How do you know we'll get the same boat?new state record Sixty-three-year-old Gene Middleton of Ludowici caught
this 67.8-lb. Altamaha River flathead catfish on the morning of May 24, 2000.
Gene was fishing in the Morgan Lake area of the Altamaha when the 51-inch long
fish hit a goldfish. The new state record broke the previous record of 63-lbs,
8-ozs. caught by Paul Duke on June 24, 1998.
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